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2024-05-06 13:51:59 来源:故里文学 点击:11
1、愚人节请你笑,恭喜你,一个崭新的傻子诞生了。 Please smile on April Fool's day. Congratulations, a new fool is born. 2、亲爱的,愚人节好!最美丽的祝福送给您,你是我红尘中最美的缘! Dear, April Fool's Day! The most beautiful blessing to you, you are my most beautiful fate in the world of mortals! 3、最可爱的造型,最活泼的行径,过最欢快的愚人节!朋友,节日快乐! The most lovely shape, the most lively behavior, the happiest April Fool's Day! Friends, happy holidays! 4、在这最美的四月,不负诗歌,不负感觉,祝自己,愚人节快乐。 In this most beautiful April, I wish myself a happy April Fool's day. 5、那么多天的等待就快有结果了,愚人节开始,希望老天不要跟我开玩笑。 So many days of waiting will soon have the result, April Fool's day began, I hope God don't joke with me. 6、别人的愚人节都很开心,而他的愚人节缺开心不起来,真是悲喜交加。 Other people's April Fool's Day is very happy, but his April Fool's Day is not happy, it is sad and happy. 7、我在情人节告白,他却等到愚人节那天拒绝,我突然觉悟了。 I confessed on Valentine's day, but when he refused on April Fool's day, I suddenly realized. 8、我这人平时胆子挺大的,唯独遇见你才成为只敢愚人节表白的胆小鬼。 I'm usually very brave. Only when I meet you can I become a coward who only dare to express himself on April Fool's day. 9、过了愚人节就是清明节,所以没必要死那么早,你尽可以过两天再死的。 After April Fool's Day is Tomb Sweeping Day, so there is no need to die so early, you can die in two days. 10、愚人节,有多少人说着我爱你,又有多少人违心的说着我不爱了。 April Fool's day, how many people say I love you, and how many people say I don't love you. 11、叮咚!您的三月余额不足,请在愚人节前办理续费手续。 Ding Dong! Your March balance is insufficient, please renew it before April Fool's day. 12、愿你做个快乐的“愉”人:能力绰绰有愚,做人无愧愚心;生活如愚得水。 I wish you to be a happy "happy" person: you have enough ability to be stupid, you have no shame to be stupid; life is like water to be stupid. 13、世界所有的美“愚”你相连,就想“愚”你共度众生。 If you are connected with all the beauty in the world, you want to share with all living beings. 14、愚人节到了,祝你天天愚愚快快,总是愚过天晴,永远愚味无穷! April Fool's Day is coming, I wish you a happy day, always a sunny day, forever endless fool! 15、今天是愚人节,愿你不被整蛊,开心快乐每一天! Today is April Fool's day, I hope you are not tricked, happy every day! 16、借愚诉请、吐露真心,欲情故纵、真心不“愚”。 If you want to express your true feelings, you should not be stupid. 17、最大的善行,是奉献;最大的愚蠢,是骗自己。愿你人生,快乐随意! The greatest kindness is dedication; the greatest stupidity is self deception. Wish you a happy life! 18、开开心心笑一笑,快乐随你一辈子。祝愚人节快乐! Happy smile, happy with your life. Happy April Fool's Day! 19、明天就是表白日了,大家有目标了吗,我不介意被做目标。 Tomorrow is the day. Do you have a goal? I don't mind being targeted. 20、智也罢愚也罢,快乐是第一要素。愚人节,祝愚人幸福! Wisdom or folly, happiness is the first factor. April Fool's day, I wish you happiness! 21、今天是你的节日愚人节,你可一定要“愚”快哦! Today is your holiday, April Fool's day, you must be "stupid" fast! 22、今天是个特殊的日子,送你一份爱的礼物,我祝你幸福,愚人节快乐。 Today is a special day, send you a gift of love, I wish you happiness, happy April Fool's day.




