
2024-05-06 13:44:42 来源:故里文学 点击:6
1、你心里能不能只装我一个人,其它人都滚出去。 You can't just get out of my heart. 2、一个人有多少价值,从葬礼上有多少真心的眼泪,就可以清楚地知道。 The value of a person can be clearly known from the number of sincere tears at the funeral. 3、听别人说你和她明正言顺,我微笑着跟着附和。 Listen to others say you and she speak straight, I smile to follow. 4、你只是在一边耗着我一边等别人,而我却是一直在等你。 You're just waiting for others while you're wasting me, but I've been waiting for you. 5、尽量做个优雅的女子,千万别做作,因为,做作的女人,不仅女人讨厌,男人更讨厌。 Try to be an elegant woman, do not affectate, because, affectation of women, not only women hate, men hate. 6、分手应该体面,谁都不要说抱歉。何来亏欠,我敢给就敢心碎。 Break up should be decent, no one should say sorry. How can I owe you? If I dare to give it, I will be heartbroken. 7、女生在还没有男人疼的时候,必须活的要像个爷们儿。 Girls have to live like men when they don't have men's pain. 8、从不后悔遇见过谁,只是后悔怎么成了现在这样的自己。 Never regret met who, just regret how to become now such oneself. 9、我的演技一定很好,好到连难过都没人知道。 My acting must be so good that no one knows how sad I am. 10、故事总会有结局,就像我们之间的爱情,兜兜转转,最后还是落幕。 There will always be an end to the story, just like the love between us. 11、要分手就分手吧,不用说什么你配不上我这种话,我们又不是手机和充电器。 If you want to break up, just break up. Needless to say, you don't deserve me. We are not mobile phones and chargers. 12、台上只剩下拥抱,车开了你含着泪微笑。 Only hugs are left on the stage, and you smile with tears when the car drives away. 13、你走以后,我一个人编织着我们的梦。 After you left, I was weaving our dreams by myself. 14、我有喜欢你,不过不想和你过一辈子,我只是玩玩而已,你太认真了,对不起。 I like you, but I don't want to spend my life with you. I'm just playing. You're too serious. I'm sorry. 15、在乎我的人不多,但只有你们几个就温暖我的心。 There are not many people who care about me, but only you can warm my heart. 16、这场戏里,不好意思,我自作多情了。 In this scene, I'm sorry, I'm so amorous. 17、所谓最难忘的,就是从来不曾想起,却永远也不会忘记。 The so-called most unforgettable, is never thought of, but never forget. 18、时间也就是在这样的反反复复当中过去的,别被情绪牵着走,知道自己要什么就好了。 Time is in the past in such repetition, don't be led by emotion, just know what you want. 19、不要轻易说爱,许下的承诺就是欠下的债! Don't say love easily, promise is debt! 20、曾经的恋人,现在的路人。 Once lovers, now passers-by. 21、人的一生,要哭著泪著跨过多少道坎儿,才换得到蓦然回首那一刻的领悟? How many hurdles do you have to cross in tears in your life to get the understanding when you suddenly look back at that moment? 22、垫起脚尖的人是站不久的,跨大步的人是走不远的。看着看着就笑了,笑着笑着就哭了。 People who stand on their toes will not be long, and those who stride will not be far away. Looking at it, I laugh, and I cry. 23、下一次恋爱,要么不开始,要么一辈子。 The next time you fall in love, you either don't start, or you will be in love forever. 24、让大家都看到你的坚强,离开他你也可以过得很好。 Let everyone see that you are strong, you can live well without him. 25、拥有、笑过、哭过,太多理由,爱已经腐朽。 Have, laugh, cry, too many reasons, love has decayed. 26、这是第九次分手,我最后一次让你走! This is the ninth break up, the last time I let you go! 27、路很长,别失望。当生活压得你喘不过气的时候,别忘了给自己一点掌声。 It's a long way. Don't be disappointed. Don't forget to give yourself a little applause when life is pressing you out of breath. 28、空洞的眼睛,虚脱的身体,神经的大脑,这就是现在的我。 Empty eyes, empty body, nervous brain, this is me now. 29、你是我编造的童话故事中的王子,而我只是你生命里一个匆匆过客。 You are the prince in my fairy tale, and I am just a passer-by in your life. 30、我放过你,也请你从我的世界中,永恒地消失,宛如你从来没出现过,好吗? I'll let you go and ask you to disappear from my world forever as if you never appeared, OK? 31、仰望天空,强忍着不让泪流下。可,最终,软弱还是打败了坚强。 Looking up at the sky, trying not to let tears flow down. But in the end, weakness defeats strength. 32、我一人独守这空城,不懂爱情。不期望,也不失望。 I'm alone in this empty city, I don't know love. No expectations, no disappointments. 33、也许你依旧是我的软肋,却不再是我的盔甲。 Maybe you are still my weakness, but no longer my armor. 34、逆光而行,只剩背影,离开有你的季节,一路向北。 Go against the light, only the back, leave the season with you, all the way north. 35、如果你以后离开我了,请记得跟我说一声,至少我觉得那是分手,而不是抛弃。 If you leave me later, please remember to tell me, at least I think it's a break-up, not abandonment. 36、我们的青春如此无奈。太多的回忆变成了伤怀。 Our youth is so helpless. Too many memories turn into sadness. 37、后来我走过那么多城市,却再也找不到像你一样的人。 Later, I walked through so many cities, but I couldn't find anyone like you. 38、没有可不可以,只有愿不愿意。 No can not, only willing to. 39、在所有你想珍惜的关系里,问心无愧就好。 All you want to cherish is to have a clear conscience. 40、我不怕你在我心上用力的开枪,我只怕不能倒在你的胸膛。 I'm not afraid of you shooting me hard in my heart. I'm afraid I can't fall on your chest. 41、我想,我还没有成熟到可以原谅背叛。 I don't think I'm mature enough to forgive betrayal. 42、岁月带走的是记忆,但回忆会越来越清晰。 Years take away memories, but memories will become clearer and clearer. 43、不要无事讨烦恼,也不作无谓的希求,不作无端的伤感,要奋勉自强,保持自己的个性。 Don't worry about nothing, don't make meaningless hopes, don't make groundless sadness, and strive to improve yourself and keep your personality. 44、如果我的生命有秒,我将用去爱你,秒为你死去。 If I have seconds in my life, I will use them to love you and die for you. 45、爱到痛了,痛到哭了,于是选择了放手。放手是一种无奈的绝望,痛彻心扉。 Love to pain, pain to cry, so choose to let go. Let go is a helpless despair, pain through the heart. 46、喝醉不是我表白爱你的借口,可是不醉的时候连借口都没有。 Drunk is not an excuse for me to show my love for you, but I don't even have an excuse when I'm not drunk. 47、每个人心里都有一个人,想了碰不得,扔了舍不得。 There is a person in everyone's heart who can't touch and throw it away. 48、关于爱的记忆,要好好收藏,只是今后的幸福,要各自寻找。 About the memory of love, to good collection, but the future happiness, to find their own. 49、我就是那种被人背叛了连眼泪都懒得流的人,所以你别妄想我离开你了我活不了。 I'm the one who was betrayed and didn't even want to shed tears, so don't think I can't live without you. 50、等待,也许并不容易;伤害,却轻而易举。 It may not be easy to wait, but it is easy to hurt.




